Soil & Plants

Ecology of Soil Erosion in Ecosystems  Click

Soil Erosion: A Food and Environmental Threat  Click


Rock Creek Rd.  Manton,  CA 96059

​​Public Records Act Requests

History of CalFire and  SPI disparagement and injustice towards women, environmentalists  here


Glyphosate  Herbicides are Altering the Food Chain here

Glyphosate [Roundup] Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells  Click

Court Ruling Linking Roundup (glyphosate) to Cancer  Click


A framework for integrating thermal biology into fragmentation research  Click

Conserving  Biological Diversity in Agriculture/Forestry Systems  Click

Wildlife species associated with non-coniferous vegetation
in Pacific Northwest conifer forests  Click

Climate & Ecology

Approaching a state shift in  Earth's biosphere  Click

Forest sector carbon management, measurement and verification, and discussion of policy related to climate change   Click

Large-scale bioenergy from additional harvest of forest biomass is neither sustainable nor greenhouse gas neutral  Click


The High Cost and Low Benefits of Attempting to Increase Water Yield by Forest Removal ... Click

Hydrologic Effects of a Changing Forest Landscape Click

Logging and turbidity...  Click

A Scientific Basis for the Prediction of Cumulative Watershed Effects  Click


2022: Opening brief for Rio Gatito Logging Plan Appeal Case

Legal brief regarding a timber harvest plan (THP)

Some CA Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines here

Some Public Resource Codes here


Vapor Pressure Deficit due to climate change main cause for increased fire danger here 

Fire severity increased by post-logging tree plantations  Click

Area burned in the western United States is unaffected by recent mountain pine beetle outbreaks  Click 

Do mountain beetle outbreaks increase the risk of high-severity wildfire?  Click

Exploiting the fear of fire for economic gain  Click

Fire facts vs. Fantasies  Click

Hydrologist Review of SPI's Post-fire Sediment Study   Click

The Myth of Catastrophic Wildfire  Click

Why Calls for "Forest Thinning" are  Timber Industry Snake Oil Click

​​Battle Creek specific documents

2023: List of Battle Creek research with excerpts here These references are routinely ignored by public agencies during decision-making

2023: Night and Day: The difference between industrial logging and public land here

2022 Battle Creek Alliance presentation to State Water Board

2022 State Water Board Adds 44 miles of Battle Creek segments to its Clean Water Act 303 (d) Impaired Waters List ​(See Appendix J, lines 249 and 288)

2022 Bald eaglet nest deaths Formal Complaint to Cal Fire

2021 Anthony Grassroots prize

2021 Shasta Environmental Alliance award to our director

2021 Battle Creek Air and Water Temperature Increases here

2021 Our comment on Powerhouse logging plan (resubmitted version of 2017 "Artemis" plan detailed below)

2020 Lawsuit filed against approval of Rio Gatito plan

2020 Rio Gatito logging plan comment

2018 Our Water Quality Research Paper here

2017 Defiance Canyon Raptor Rescue rescues shot eagle here

2016 Logging for Water by Will Parrish article

2016 Battle Creek Alliance named "Environmental Hero"   here

2014 Hydrologist's Analysis of our Water Quality Data here

2012 Hydrologist's Analysis of our Water Quality Data here

2011 Hydrologist's Analysis of our Water Quality Data here

2016 Review of SPI post-fire sediment document here

2013 Review of SPI post-fire sediment document here

2015 US Fish & Wildlife letter regarding sediment increase  here

2016  Water temperature analysis (draft)   here

2017 Water temperature analysis (final)  here

2010 Clearcutting map of Battle Creek watershed here

2009 Kier & Assoc.  Aquatic Habitat Conditions in Battle Creek and Their Relationship to Upland Management here

2008 Biologist's review of SPI Plant Diversity study here

Artemis Timber Harvest Plan

This plan was ultimately withdrawn in 2018, but was re-submitted under a different name, "Powerhouse", in 2020

2018: Hydrologist's Expert Opinion letter to Cal Fire  here

2018: Despite over 60,000 acres of clearcutting and salvage logging, another timber harvest plan has been filed for this decimated area. Our January 2018 comments to Cal Fire regarding  the Artemis THP are here

Our further comments on the Artemis THP, August 2018 here