The average daily temperature in the Battle Creek watershed has risen significantly between 2019 and 2021.

2021 was 7.6 degrees higher than 2019.

Warmest March in Global Recordkeeping; 2016 Roars Ahead of Pack here

The 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that human-caused forest loss is responsible for about 10% of
global greenhouse gas emissions. Recent analyses show that global forest trends are working against efforts to address climate
change. The 2014 IPCC Report stated: "Carbon stored in the terrestrial biosphere is susceptible to ​loss to the atmosphere as a
​result of climate change, deforestation, and ecosystem degradation".

Digger Butte fire lookout, Shasta and Tehama counties. (red circle)

Left: ​2010, after the first clearcut on its side. Above: 2022, post clearcutting,  fire, salvage logging.

Above: Clear cut forest near Lassen Volcanic National Park.  
Mt. Lassen on the left. 

 Scientific studies find that the temperature increases at least 5 to 10°
 in a clearcut, while the humidity drops

This changes the climate locally and  increases fire danger.

Sawmill with a mountain of wood chips near Burney, California in Shasta County.

It takes decades to centuries for carbon to accumulate in the "forest carbon bank".

Click here for "Hot Air--Myths and Facts About Forests and Climate Change"

Mature diverse forests are needed to combat climate change. ​Deforestation
​is one of the leading sources of carbon emissions.

Cal Fire continues to approve logging plans during extreme climate disaster and  drought.

Logging for biomass use is not “carbon neutral”:   The huge flaw in how Congress is approaching burning wood for energy  by Chelsea Harvey  here

Rock Creek Rd.  Manton,  CA 96059
