Rock Creek Rd. Manton, CA 96059
Cal Fire continues to approve logging plans during extreme climate disaster and drought.
Mature diverse forests are needed to combat climate change. Deforestation
is one of the leading sources of carbon emissions.
Logging for biomass use is not “carbon neutral”: The huge flaw in how Congress is approaching burning wood for energy by Chelsea Harvey here
The average daily temperature in the Battle Creek watershed has risen significantly between 2019 and 2021.
2021 was 7.6 degrees higher than 2019.
Warmest March in Global Recordkeeping; 2016 Roars Ahead of Pack here
The 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that human-caused forest loss is responsible for about 10% of
global greenhouse gas emissions. Recent analyses show that global forest trends are working against efforts to address climate
change. The 2014 IPCC Report stated: "Carbon stored in the terrestrial biosphere is susceptible to loss to the atmosphere as a
result of climate change, deforestation, and ecosystem degradation".
Digger Butte fire lookout, Shasta and Tehama counties. (red circle)
Left: 2010, after the first clearcut on its side. Above: 2022, post clearcutting, fire, salvage logging.
Above: Clear cut forest near Lassen Volcanic National Park.
Mt. Lassen on the left.
Scientific studies find that the temperature increases at least 5 to 10°
in a clearcut, while the humidity drops 35%.
This changes the climate locally and increases fire danger.
Sawmill with a mountain of wood chips near Burney, California in Shasta County.
It takes decades to centuries for carbon to accumulate in the "forest carbon bank".
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